Bellefield family, 

Our journey through this year’s Lenten season is nearing its destination. This season of repentance is meant to focus our hearts and minds upon Jesus by turning away from those things that distance us from him. It began with an intentional contemplation of our own mortality on Ash Wednesday. In this, we acknowledge our need for a Savior who can deliver us from the consequence of death and the confines of the grave. 

We know that Easter Sunday is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the good news that death has been defeated. In order to fully celebrate that as we should, however, we must first make our journey through Holy Week. 

This begins with Palm Sunday. On that day we remember Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem and the crowds who sang the praises of the King. It continues with Maundy Thursday, the night that Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples before he was betrayed and arrested. It goes on to Good Friday, the day on which Jesus was crucified–“pierced for our transgressions”, as the prophet Isaiah said–and died for the sins of his people. It moves on to Holy Saturday, perhaps the most solemn day of the Church year, marking the day that Jesus remained dead and buried. And it leads, of course, to Easter Sunday and the brilliant dawn of the resurrection morning. 

I invite you to join us as you are able for our various times of worship and prayer throughout this week. All of the information for our services can be found in this newsletter or our online platforms. I’d also encourage you to invite others to join you (in person or online) for these times. Most of all, I hope that this will be a season in which we can all draw near to Jesus, resting and rejoicing in our Risen Lord and looking with anticipation to that time when he comes again. 

I pray this finds you healthy and well. 

Grace and peace,