Love. Share. Grow. Serve

Month: October 2019

A Redeemer Will Come to Zion 10/27/19

Pastor Josh preaches on Isaiah 59:15-21

1. What things does Isaiah lament? Do you see those same things in our world?

2. What does this passage reveal about the actions of the LORD on behalf of his people? What timeless truths does it celebrate?

3. What were the central convictions of the Reformation, and why are they so significant still?

4. How can these Reformational convictions change the way you live and engage in this world?

What is the Reformation?

On October 31, 1517, the German monk Martin Luther posted 95 theses–propositions meant to be debated in an academic setting–on the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg. The theses were directed towards the moral and theological corruption that he saw within the Roman Catholic Church at that time. This marked the symbolic beginning of a movement that had been building for years and which came to be known as the Reformation.

The main convictions at the heart of the Reformation are often called the five solas (sola is the Latin word for “alone/only”). They are:

Scripture alone: The Bible is meant to be our final authority in terms of what we are to believe and how we are to live.

Grace alone: God extends mercy to us out of his freely given good will, and not because of anything we have done to deserve it.

Faith alone: We are justified–declared to be in the right–through our faith in Jesus Christ and not through our works.

Christ alone: Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Savior, and we cannot look to or pray to any others for our deliverance.

Glory to God alone: Because of these things, God is to receive our honor and praise in all things and we cannot boast in anything else.

Again I Will Say, Rejoice 10/20/19

Pastor Josh wraps up our sermon series on Philippians


1. What “secret” had Paul learned that changed his perspective on contentment?

2. Are there things about which we should be discontent? If so, what are they and how should we respond to that discontentment?

3. How is your own generosity related to your contentment in life? Why does contentment in Christ lead to godly generosity?

4. What things has this letter taught you about joy, thanksgiving, and living as a disciple of Jesus Christ?

What Do I Do With My Anxiety? 10/13/19

One of our university ministers, Andy Moore, preaches on Philippians 4:1-9


1. When was the last time you felt truly at peace? What made you feel that way?

2. Is there something right now in your life that you find gives you anxiety? Based on what you learned from this passage, how can you take beginning steps toward resolving your anxiety?

3. What does it look like for the God of peace to be with someone? Why would this happen as a result of following Paul’s teaching and example? How could Paul be so sure?

What Lies Ahead 10/6/19

Pastor Josh preaches on Philippians 3:12-4:1

1. How does Paul’s use of active imagery like “straining forward” and “imitating” help us understand the nature of our discipleship?

2. What does it mean to “press on toward the goal”, and what is the goal?

3. Why does Paul say that “our citizenship is in heaven”, and how does that impact the way we live in this world?

4. How can the incredible promise of v. 21 change the way we look at “what lies ahead”?