Love. Share. Grow. Serve

Month: November 2019

Stewards of the Mysteries of God 11/24/19

Pastor Josh wraps up our series on stewardship, preaching on 1 Corinthians 4:1-7


1. What are the implications of the identities (servant and steward) that Paul uses?

2. Why is the Gospel called the “mystery of God”? How can we be faithful stewards of it?

3. What might change in your life if you allowed v. 7 to shape the way you look at your life?

4. What practical steps can you take to be a better steward of this world? Of the relationships closest to you? Of your finances? Of the Gospel?

Well Done, Good & Faithful Servant 11/17/19

Pastor Josh continues our series on stewardship, preaching on Matthew 25:14-30.

1. What motivations did the servants display when entrusted with gifts from the master? How do those motivations show themselves in your own life?

2. What are the biggest challenges in your own life when it comes to generous giving?

3. How can you learn to cultivate a spirit of generous giving?

4. What would faithful financial stewardship look like in your own life? What concrete steps can you take to pursue that?

The Earth Has Been Given To The Children of Man 11/3/19

Pastor Josh begins our series on Stewardship with verses from Genesis


1. What things do you think of when you think of being a steward?
2. What is the implications of the belief that God created this world with order and intentionality?
3. What are the implications of the belief that God has given us this world to work, tend, and cultivate?
4. What are the implications of the belief that God will renew and restore creation in the end?