
“…in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” –2 Corinthians 5:19-20

Good news is meant to be shared. ‘The message of reconciliation’ is the good news that Jesus Christ has restored us to a right relationship with God and creates new grounds for our relationships with others. Sharing and demonstrating this reality as widely as possible is an important part of who we are.

Part of this includes supporting workers locally, nationally, and globally in their efforts to be ‘ambassadors for Christ’. We also send a team to Guatemala each year to work with our ministry partners there.


The Christian life is a life marked by service and characterized by a love for others that is grounded in the love God has first shown us. Jesus Christ himself said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). While all Christians are called to demonstrate compassion for those in need and minister to those who are hurting, there also exists the specific office of deacon.

Deacons meet monthly and/or as needed to discern congregational and community needs. They work to ensure that those who are shut-in or hospitalized are visited regularly. They oversee our food pantry and monthly lunches, provide grief-counseling materials to those who lose loved ones, and many other similar acts. Deacons may assist the pastor in serving home Communion to our shut-ins, and are called to be models of integrity and commitment in their own worship attendance.


Pittsburgh Region International Student Ministries

PRISM exists to identify and help meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of international students, scholars, and their families residing here in the Pittsburgh area. We offer Friendship Partners, Holiday Hosting, English Classes, home items at the Garage Giveaway, and Special events (trips, World Focus, church outings, etc).


Founded by John and Sharon Harvey, and now directed by Emanuel and Jess Pérez, the name comes from the Spanish:  Asociación Equipando a Los Santos Internacional.  As a Guatemalan nonprofit, ASELSI is equipping leaders and serving in Chichicastenango, Guatemala and beyond, via our EBA Bible Institute, the Father’s Heart Clinic and visiting short term mission teams.


This organization works in cooperation with Bellefield to provide trained campus ministers. They train and support people of all ages to work with college students in ministry and provide churches and schools with the opportunity to partner with them. Bellefield has partnered with the CCO for many years to provide opportunities for spiritual growth for college students.

Learn More about our other missionaries and partners here