Love. Share. Grow. Serve

Month: January 2020

Unveiled 1/26/19

Pastor Josh continues preaching from 2 Corinthians

1. Why is the Gospel “veiled” to people?

2. How does God unveil the Gospel to us?

3. What does Paul mean when he says that Jesus Christ is “the image of God”?

4. How can we ‘renounce disgraceful ways’ and “commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God”?

Fragrance 1/19/2020

Pastor Josh continues to preach in 2 Corinthians

1. What does it mean to say that “Christ always leads us in triumphal procession”?

2. How do we spread “the fragrance of the knowledge” of Jesus everywhere?

3. Why is the “aroma” of Christ both a fragrance of life and a fragrance of death?

4. In what ways can you be “the aroma of Christ” among others this week?

We Rely Not On Ourselves 1/12/2020

Pastor Josh begins our new sermon series on 2 Corinthians.

1. How does God comforts us in our affliction? How we can know this when we do not feel it?

2. Why can affliction and despair be the pathway to hope?

3. How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ change the way that we experience affliction and suffering?

4. In what areas of life are you relying on yourself when you should be relying on the “God who raises the dead”?

The Appearing of Our Great God and Savior 01/05/2020

Pastor Josh preaches on Titus 2:11-14.

1. Why is the claim that God himself has appeared so radical?

2. How does Jesus reveal God to us? What does he reveal?

3. What is the relationship between God’s grace and our renunciation of “ungodliness and worldly passions”?

4. What would it look like if we were a people who are “zealous for good works”? How can we live into that identity together here at Bellefield?