Love. Share. Grow. Serve

Month: May 2018

Therefore, Encourage 5/27/18

Pastor Josh preaches on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 

For reflection on your own or with others:

1. What encouragement can come from knowing that God’s Story is moving towards a specific event?

2. How does Paul’s description of Jesus’ return transform the way that experience grief and loss?

3. What changes when we intentionally look back at what Jesus has done and forward to what Jesus will do?

4. Why does the unknown timing of Jesus’ return prompt us to encourage one another?

New Life in God’s Spirit 5/20/18

Pastor Josh Brown preaches on 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

For reflection on your own or with others:

1. Why does the presence of the Spirit inevitably lead to transformation?

2. In what areas of your life is the Spirit working to conform you to the image of Jesus Christ?

3. Do any of the topics of the Spirit-filled life that Paul addresses surprise you? Why?

4. How can our lives in the already-but-not-yet reality of Christ’s kingdom reflect the good news of the Gospel and the promises that are yet to come?


Comfort and Community in Christ 5/13/18

Pastor Josh preaches on 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

For reflection on your own or with others:

1. Do you regularly pray that the faith of others would be strengthened and established? What would it look like if you did?

2. Do you regularly seek out the encouragement and community of other believers–especially in times of trial? What would it look like if you did?

3. What are some specific ways that you can encourage, establish, and exhort others in their faith?

4. What does the family and community imagery in 1 Thessalonians show us about the necessary character of the Church?

Please Do Not Listen to Me

Pastor Josh preaches on 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Things to think about while you listen:

1. What changes when we hear the content and consequences of the Gospel “not as the words of men but as what it really is, the word of God”?

2. How does the divine origin and character of the Word of God affect the way that we receive it? The way that we relay it?

3. When persecutions come because of the content and consequences of the Gospel, how are we to respond?

4. What role does the word of God play in the lives of disciples during the already-but-not-yet reality of Jesus’ kingdom?