Love. Share. Grow. Serve

Month: May 2019

Becoming 5/26/19

Pastor Josh finishes our series on “Blueprint” with Ephesians 3:14-21

1. What image are we supposed to bear in this world, and why are we unable to do that?

2. What does the Gospel have to say about the idea of “becoming”?

3. What does it mean to grow in the image and likeness of Jesus, and how does this happen?

4. What specific things can you be part of here at Bellefield that will help us pursue the vision for “becoming” to which we believe God is calling us?

Belonging 5/19/19

Pastor Josh preaches on Romans 16:1-16 in our “Blueprint” series.

1. How is our deepest and truest sense of identity formed and in what is it found?

2. What does the ending of Paul’s letter to the church in Rome reveal about the nature of the Church?

3. How can we create a place of belonging where people also experience transformation in Christ?

4. In what ways can you help to pursue this initiative here at Bellefield?

Our Vision 5/12/19

Pastor Josh preaches on 1 Peter 4:7-11, in the first of our short series on “Blueprint: The Church God is Calling Us To Be”


1. What does Peter mean when he says that “the end of all things is near”?

2. Why are our ‘vision verbs’ so important?

3. How have you seen these things happening at Bellefield? How can you help these things to happen?

4. Why must we be clear about our ultimate purpose in the things we do? What are the dangers from losing sight of this?

So, Now What? 5/5/19

Dave Moore, one of the Elders here at Bellefield, preaches on Luke 5:11-32

1. What do you really think about the outcome of this story?
2. Remember the context: what is each listener walking away thinking?
3. What does tomorrow look like for the younger son?