Bellefield family,

This past Sunday, we began our new study of the Sermon on the Mount. In the beginning of it, Jesus says, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy” (Matthew 5:7).

While every Christian is called to extend mercy to others, Presbyterian churches also elect Deacons as a group specifically tasked with extending compassion and service to the members of our congregation and community. Our board of twelve Deacons works diligently to demonstrate mercy and love in tangible ways to those in need, and they have been a blessing to many–especially in this past year.
One of the most visible ways they do so is through our food pantry. Because of high demand and the challenges of the pandemic, we are one of the only food pantries in the area that is still open. The need for aid, however, is greater than usual, and we expect that to remain true in coming months.

Though our Deacons have managed this work largely on their own, they could also use some help. With the food pantry, this involves various tasks such as: ordering/tracking inventory, packing bags, communicating with pantry clients, and delivering food (monthly) to clients in the Oakland area.
If you are able to help in any of these ways, or would like to find out more, please contact

If you are in need of help–or know of those who are in need–please also let us know and we will be glad to serve you in Christ’s name.

We have been getting connected with more people than ever before through this ministry of mercy, and it has enabled us to share and show the love of Jesus to those around us. By living out the character displayed in the Beatitudes, we bear witness to the kingdom of God and serve as the salt and light that Jesus has called us to be in this world. This is not just a calling for those elected to serve as Deacons, but for each and every follower of Jesus.

Grace and peace,