Bellefield University Ministry exists to provide a space for undergraduate college students to grow deeper in their faith, ask hard questions and love each other genuinely.  We meet in small groups throughout the week to grow, serve, learn, and share together more deeply with each other and with God.
“…built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:20

Church Gatherings

Worship with us at 10am, and 5pm on Sundays

Cornerstone at Pitt

Check out their website at

Cornerstone, our university ministry, is hosting a bible study run by and for college students on Wednesdays at 7pm. This year we are focusing on justice in the Bible and God’s view of justice vs. ours. Additionally, there are also other events planned such as acoustic worship nights, hikes, and game nights.

Chatham Gatherings

If you’d like to learn more about our programs and activities at Chatham University you can contact Greg Burdette, our Associate Pastor of Adult Discipleship.

Small Groups at Bellefield

Students are invited to participate in our small groups! Many meet throughout the week at the church or offsite. If you’d like to learn more, fill out our form below!