Bellefield University Ministry exists to provide a space for undergraduate college students at University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University and Chatham University, to grow deeper in their faith, ask hard questions and love each other genuinely.  We meet in small groups throughout the week to grow, serve, learn, and share together more deeply with each other and with God.
“…built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:20

Church Gatherings

Worship with us at 8:30am (Classic Service) 11am (Modern Service), and 5pm (Relaxed Service) on Sundays

Cornerstone at Pitt

Check out their website at

Large Group Fellowship

We meet on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm downstairs at Bellefield Presbyterian Church*. Food is provided! Join us for teaching, discussion, worship, and fellowship. This semester’s theme is: “Who is Jesus?”

*Enter through the glass doors facing Thackery Ave, and ring the doorbell on the left if they’re locked!

Please email Boaz Moser at if you have any questions!

Smaller Groups

Westminster Confession Study: Mondays at 12:00pm
This study looks at the Westminster Confession of Faith in order to ground ourselves in the fundamental beliefs of Christianity. Lunch will be provided! Contact Andy at with questions. Meets at Bellefield Church in room B5.

Upperclassman Bible Study: Tuesdays at 5:45pm
This study is for committed believers who want to learn to think through hard doctrinal questions biblically. Dinner will be provided, so take the night off meal prep and use the time to come learn about God’s word together! Contact Boaz at with questions. Meets at Bellefield Church in the conference room.

Freshman Bible Study: Thursdays at 7pm
This study is a relaxed time of fellowship and discussion as we go through the Ten Commandments. It’s especially geared for new students, but all are welcome! ​Contact John at with questions. Meets at Bellefield Church in room B5.

Chatham Gatherings

If you’d like to learn more about our programs and activities at Chatham University you can contact Greg Burdette, our Associate Pastor of Adult Discipleship.

Small Groups at Bellefield

Students are invited to participate in Bellefield Church’s small groups! Many meet throughout the week at the church or offsite. If you’d like to learn more, fill out our form below!